Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This (Not Yet Last) Friday Night

Ok so I've got to admit, this whole trending with #Friday has got the day on my brain.  I mean there was Rebecca Black, then Katy Perry and well, whenever we go out on a Friday night my friends love to scream "It's Friday!"...

Maybe that's why this Friday night's show at the Biltmore kind of fell in my lap. Just goes to show you repetitive/positive thinking really CAN work.

See isn't he cute?

So back to Friday, more specifically the SHOW on Friday! We're playing at the Biltmore Cabaret downtown with a punk rock band from the Yukon by the name  of Speed Control! Sounds exciting right? Well I expect to see you there then!

Especially since I just got the show Monday morning while I was working out at the gym! Haha, it left me 'breathless'!

With such short notice we had to schedule 3 emergency practices. So last night Matt (the new bass player) and I ripped through all 9 songs we'll be rocking out on Friday. Tonight is practice minus Jesse, so our resident Caveman will be banging away on his drums in what we can only hope is in time and to tempo. Then Thursday night is crunch time! Jesse will be back from Whistler (where he is dutifully attending to his international spy duties) so we can jam for 3 hours. Potentially to a click track, so if we look a bit tweaked on stage, you'll know why-

Click, click... click, click...

You'll know what I mean if you've ever had to listen to a metronome for more than 5 minutes. You start to twitch.

Oh! I also got my in ear monitors so I should be able to hear myself sing @ practice now! Yay!

Anyway, I just came back from then gym and I'm STARVING so it's time for-



Mel Dante, GUP